Heaven & Earth

Photo (detail) © Arthur Forjonel

Extracts from the Fitzwilliam Virginals Book

Fre. (Francis Tregian l'aîné? 1548 - 1608)
Heaven and Earth

Martin Peerson c1571 - 1651
The Fall of the Leafe

John Dowland 1563 - 1626 set by William Byrd
Pavana Lachrymae

William Byrd 1542? - 1623

Peter Philips c1560 - 1628
Amarilli di Julio Romano

William Tisdall c1570 - c1605

The Irishe Ho-Hoane
Can Shee
Why aske you

Orlando Gibbons 1583 -1625
Pavana-Orlando Gibbons

Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck 1562 1621
Engelsche Fortuyn
Fantasia Chromatica

John Bull  c.1562 - 1628 
In Nomine

William Byrd1542? - 1623

This programme is composed of pieces from Kenneth Weiss’s two albums of extracts from the Fitzwilliam Virginals Book, Heaven & Earth and A Cleare Day.